Last night I went to see Fiddler on the Roof for the first time in my life. My dear friend Erik Liberman is playing Motel the Tailor and he was wonderful. The show runs 3 hours and runs the gamut of humor and pathos but most of all what surprised me was the hits that I had no idea came from that show! "Sunrise sunset" and "Matchmaker" and many others...I had no clue. I have a confession...I don't really like theatre. I have done it and I have seen it and I always get caught up in the monotony of 8 performances a week of the same thing over and over and drove me crazy to play the same scenes for 2 months 8 times a week! So many actors LOVE doing theatre and they claim that every performance changes and is enlightening...well I get the rush of energy and the lovely feeling from the audience when it's a good night but after slogging through 100 performances of Annie, I just wanted to kill someone...and if I ever here "It's a hard enough life" again, I WILL scream. I am incredibly impressed with actors who take a show on the road and do say..800 performances of Mama Mia! But don't they get bored? I would imagine that hearing "Dancing Queen" on the radio would make them want to hurl themselves out the window but obviously I'm wrong because thousands of young and old hoofers and singers and actors and actresses and slogging their way through miles and miles of musical numbers and dramatic scenes all over the world everyday and every night.
Here's to those who make for a fun evening out!
I suppose television and film appeal to me because everyday is different, maybe I have it vanity; as if I want the performances to stay on celluloid and not vanish when the curtain comes down? I have no idea but I still hold theatre actors and actresses in the utmost esteem.
I battled my way through Michael Weller's play "What the Night is for" in Laguna Beach a few years ago, playing a bi polar woman in the middle of an affair...not exactly a cheery play, I had to break down on stage 8 times a week. I felt proud when I was done but by the last week I was itching to get out of there and back on a sound stage! Maybe if I did a comedy I would enjoy it more...I'll have to investigate that. In the mean time Erik and the original Tevye (Topol) will be performing in Costa Mesa for the next few weeks if any of you are in the OC area, it's a swell show.