Anne Manx radio interview

I did an interview for the Anne Manx series recently with Howard from Destinies radio station in Stonybrook. I have been on the show before and had fun both times..great people and Howard knows his sci fi! You can hear the 2 part interview on their web site:
You can also visit The Radio Repertory Company of America's website at for information on all of their wonderful productions. I have been playing Anne Manx, the futuristic cop who has many lives, for years now and I never tire of her! The productions are first class with fabulous guest stars from the genre world, wonderful music and snappy dialogue. Larry Weiner and Angelo Panetta do a fantastic job of writing and producing these fun audio books and I am happy to be involved with them until Annie runs out of lives...which I hope never happens! The series has won numerous awards and has brightened many a road trip so if you like audio productions, these are like listening to an old radio show or a movie without the picture!
Speaking of movies...I saw Julia and Julia last night and LOVED Mom and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like food, Paris and Meryl!